Art therapy

Create from your heart


In a series of art therapy sessions you can get to know yourself while creating and with the help of different techniques you can easily dissolve your inner barriers without any previous training.

Hidden images and messages lying dormant in the depths of our subconscious can easily float to the surface with a little artwork. Be it painting, clay, drawing, etc.

In our art therapy sessions for adults, you can experience an effective mental health method to develop your perception, self-image, self-awareness, communication and empathy skills, and of course, your creativity.

You can learn how to look after your own mental health, both at work and in your personal life.

In addition to experiencing the psychotherapeutic effects of the method, it also serves the unfolding of the personality, the release of blockages and the development of interpersonal relationships.

Scribble out the tencion!


We can also bring out children's unspoken feelings through art. Whether it's painting, drawing, dancing or clay, what we do helps them to communicate events and problems to the world around them in a way other than talking.

During art therapy sessions, they have the opportunity to dance, paint, doodle, tear apart their burdens and tensions.

Art therapy helps you to express yourself non-verbally. It helps to show emotions and thoughts. We communicate without words while creating. Thus, after reaching a conscious level, we are able to reach deeper layers.

In art therapy sessions, aesthetic value is not important, only free expression. There is no such thing as beautiful or ugly. In art therapy, beauty is not the goal. In such sessions, the participants are engaged in a cathartic creative process where the recognition or opinion of the outside world does not matter. Thus the creation itself can only come from inner motivation.

There is no such thing as bad.

No labels.

In therapy, a child creates because they want to.

Imagine your child coming home from school upset. Not talking to anyone, just seething and unable to get the words out because he won't tell you what happened to him. However, if we grab a pencil and paper and let all the things that are working in him come out, he can start to draw out the tension.  Reflecting, contemplating and discussing the artwork together can help to calm the soul.

For example, in a child who is experiencing abuse, fear, anxiety, anger can be expressed in a picture of an aggressive scene.

Using a strong, rough pencil (or any other tool), even tearing the page.